Banu Gün Öztürk


Online Randevu


Family Law

Criminal Law

Bankruptcy and Enforcement law

Administrative Law

Commercial Law

Consumer Law

Inheritance Law

Real Property Law

You can send your video consultancy and written consultancy requests in detail from the links below to solve your question of law related to the fields

If you want to get a confirmation or brief summary information, you can send your question in writing from the Ask Now section.

Video Call

You can make an appointment for a video call at the appropriate date and time interval.

Appointment System

You can make an appointment from the appointment system at the appropriate date and time interval.

Terms of Service

These business rights belong to Banu Gün ÖZTÜRK. The lawyer is not responsible for erroneous transactions and incorrect information.

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You can access payment transactions after making an appointment and asking questions.

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You can contact us for your erroneous transactions and questions.


All written and visual legal questions you ask to the lawyer and the information you provide, including your identity information, are confidential due to the Legal Profession Act obligation to keep confidential and will not be disclosed anywhere on our site.

“Öğretmenlik aslında bir yaşam kurma işidir. Gerçek dünyanın acısız kısmını sınıfta kurgulama işidir. Bu kurgulama veya yaşam kurma işini öğrencileri hangi yaşamın veya hangi kurgunun içine dahil edeceğimizi öğretmen olarak çok iyi bilmemiz gerekir. Yani öğretmen olarak bizlerin görevi öğrencilerin yaşamlarını doğru okumalarında yol gösterici olmaktır.”


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